Announcing Critical Code Studies Working Group 2018

DAHC is pleased to announce that we will co-sponsor the 5th biennial Critical Code Studies Working Group 2018 (Jan 15 - Feb 5).

CCSWG is the major online think tank for Critical Code Studies, a hub of dialogue and collaborative inquiry that generates major thrust in the reading of code. The threads from previous CCSWGs were published in electronic book review, and this year we are opening the forum itself to all, though only participants can post. Past discussions have led to books (10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10), essays, and conference panels. Join us for explorations for the intersections of computer source code and the humanities.

This year’s major topics include: creative and critical coding; identity in code; gender and feminism, race and ethnicity (specifically Black Code Studies), and sexuality in coding cultures.

To apply to join the working group, please fill out an application by Jan 1.