Django Girls Workshop

November 11th, 2017 - 9am - 5pm
Digital Arts and Humanitites Commons Music 1410


This weekend, the Data Science at UCSB club hosts a Django Girls workshop, here in the Commons.

Data Science at UCSB is a student run club centered around developing career paths in the field of data science. The organization teaches members how to use programs like R, Python, and Java, which students then utilize in their own group-led projects. The club is centered around a collaborative community of self-driven students who strive to further their knowledge in the realm of data science.

This event is coordinated with Django Girls, a non-profit organization and a community that empowers and helps women to organize free, one-day programming workshops by providing tools, resources and support. During each of our events, 30-60 women build their first web application using HTML, CSS, Python and Django.

Team Photo